Day 6 - 7/18/20 - schoolyard


I’m in the middle of a circle
of fake rocks
set, for kids
it’s sad and so uncertain
when they’ll return and
learn, again
I remember my own time
in the school yard
played with friends
I learned so many lessons
i could never learn in books

But I was deceived by lies
set within racist views hateful
excuses of, history
i would choose

Truth, and all that goes with it
Prove, the golden rule exists
use, all we have learned and turn
those words that were written
into reality

all men were created equal
what, about the rest
stolen lands, stolen hands
one nation under, a white savior

I wish, we’d tell the kids
what really happened
set the foundation, begin
with the one thing that
will truly set us all free


Mak keeps reminding me, ‘Done is better than perfect.’ So this is a shot of the school this song was recorded at. It works.