60 Days of songwriting
A “Welcome” excerpt from the daily blog - Day 7
Rest day / Blog day / wtf just happened day
I’ve begun a 60 day songwriter challenge. Every day beginning on July 13, 2020 and ending on September 12, 2020 I will write, record, and upload a song + artwork. Every day, except Sundays…
(If you’re like me, and just like to freakin’ get to it instead of reading the whole dang blog post, click the button below)
A coworker of mine who recently moved to LA reached out to me a couple weeks ago and strongly encouraged I join this challenge that she was gathering songwriter friends for. All in all, there are about 40 of us. Honestly, it’s kind of crazy. We use one of those texting apps where you can have multiple channels for different topics and whatnot. It’s staggering how much music is being every day in just this group alone. But, so far I’ve had a lot of fun with it. After day 4 you’ve become acutely aware that I’ve really gotten into the Ukulele recently.
After months and months of it just sitting on my shelf, I’m finally putting mine to work. It’s a tenor Ukulele, my Uncle and I built it last summer (check out day 4 for a glimpse into what those Uke build sessions were like).
I didn’t really start to get into it until recently, during a road trip to Yellowstone with my Dad and brother. It’s amazing how a thing can take on a whole new meaning when you put in the time and energy into building it yourself. While it took me months to really do anything with it, on that trip I started learning my own songs on it. I began with bangers like, “Cascadian Reign” and “Never Goodbye”. Then moved onto newer songs like, “Moonlight Medicine” (you can check out a clip of me playing “Cascadian Reign” on my Instagram here —> Watch).
As of today, Sunday June 19, I’ve written 5 songs on that Ukulele. They are each simply voice memos captured on my iPhone 7. The 6th song was not written on the Uke, but rather, on instruments built into the playground in a school yard and multi-track recorded via Garageband on my sister-in-law’s iPhone. The artwork for each day is pulled from different experience or times in my life that either felt related or is related; directly or just based on the lyrics.
We’ll see what my songwriter morphs into, and where it goes both in style and execution. The composition and the sound recording. I decided that since I’m so stoked on the whole thing, and I’ve already been texting these voice memos to family and friends, why not just start posting them in a central location?
Thanks so much for joining me on this journey. Please feel free to comment on each song, and tell me which ones I should polish up and release “for reals”.